What image formats are supported?
All PNG, JPG, JPEG and BMP images are supported natively. If you have PSD, AI or Sketch files, please export them to these formats and use.
Can I translate PDFs?
Yes you can, but PDFs are not natively supported at the moment. You can easily convert your PDFs to images using online tools and then process them with ImageTranslate.
The translations are incorrect. Can you help fix them?
ImageTranslate relies on Google Translate for translations which may be incorrect at times. Please use the services of a professional translator to get best results.
How is this different from Google Translate for images?
Google Translate for images is very helpful in understanding what a certain image is conveying. ImageTranslate is useful to completely re-create an image in a different language. You have total control over what you finally get.
How do I get the best result for my image?
Depending on the type of image you may want to apply different steps to get best results. Like correct angle and croppping for scanned documents. Alternatively you can also turn off "Create regions automatically" and build a translated image step-by-step.
Are there any limits on how many images can I store?
If you have a monthly subscription or a paid bundle you can store any number of images and images will be stored for upto a year
Can I delete images from my account?
You cannot delete images from your account.
Is there any limit on how many times can I download or edit an image?
No. You can edit and download images as many times as you want.
Bagaimana saya akan menggunakan gambar setelah saya membeli paket berbayar?
Saat Anda membeli salah satu bundel, Anda mendapatkan jumlah gambar masing-masing di akun Anda. Anda akan dikenakan biaya per gambar saat dan saat Anda menerjemahkan gambar Anda.
Apa perbedaan antara paket Bundel dan Berlangganan?
Bundle plans are best suited for freelance translators and other individuals who need to translate images or documents occasionally. You can choose any of the plans depending on your need and use it anytime.
Subscription plans are best suited for individuals/agencies/organisations or any small businesses who want to translate images very frequently. More the number you want to translate on a weekly or daily basis, bigger the plan you buy, as the per image cost is lesser in bigger plans.
And no hassle of buying a bundle everytime you images are over. You have to just subscribe once and enjoy hassle free translation of many images.
Have even bigger volumes? Reach out to us, we should be able to offer you a custom plan.
Apakah saya akan dikenakan biaya jika gambar tidak diproses?
Jika Anda mencoba menerjemahkan beberapa gambar dan sistem mendeteksi bahwa gambar Anda gagal dikonversi, itu tidak akan dihitung dalam jumlah gambar yang digunakan. Jika Anda masih memiliki keluhan, ajukan tiket dukungan. Kami akan dengan senang hati menyelesaikannya.
Bagaimana jika saya ingin menerjemahkan gambar yang sama dalam berbagai bahasa? Bagaimana saya akan dikenakan biaya untuk itu?
Jika Anda ingin menerjemahkan gambar yang sama dalam berbagai bahasa, Anda harus mengunggahnya secara terpisah di proyek yang berbeda. Dan Anda akan dikenakan biaya secara terpisah untuk jumlah bahasa yang ingin Anda terjemahkan.
Saya seorang penerjemah/pemasar individu/freelance yang terkadang mendapatkan gambar untuk diterjemahkan. Paket mana yang harus saya pilih?
Anda harus memilih salah satu "bundel" tergantung pada kebutuhan Anda dan Anda dapat menerjemahkan gambar Anda saat dan saat Anda membutuhkannya. Gambar Anda tidak akan kedaluwarsa.
Saya ingin alat ini untuk bisnis saya, kami mendapatkan 100-an gambar setiap hari. Apa rencana terbaik untukku?
If you have more than 10 or 100 images daily to translate, you should reach out to us for a custom plan. Contact us.
What if I have exhausted my monthly limit?
If you use up all your images before a month and want to translate more, reach out to us, we will help you add more images depending on your need.
What if I was not able to use all my images in a month?
The number of images alloted for a month are valid only for that month and if you have not used all of them, they will get lapsed.
Apakah ada batas waktu kapan paket saya akan kedaluwarsa?
Tidak ada batasan waktu untuk bundel. Setelah dibeli, Anda dapat menggunakan jumlah gambar kapan pun Anda mau.